Sibyl's Song
Words and Music copyright 1982 Annd Harlan Prather
About This Album
This album was released in 1982 by Off-Centaur Publications, and was intended to be my introduction to the recorded filk world. To facilitate my entrance into this scene, OCP made the album a collaboration between Leslie Fish, Julia Ecklar and me.
The editors at OCP originally thought the title "Space Heroes and Other Fools" was too long, but they soon discovered that people remembered it. And so the album was named.
With its swashbuckling themes, its tales of bravery and pain and its--yes--ose flavor, the album is a filk classic. I hope to bring it back someday.
Chosenn by the Lady for the Lady's work
Across cold seas I sail
To a city as ancient as this world's birth
Whose destiny must prevail.
Oh ask me a question
And I'll give you the answer
Ask me to speak
And I'll tell no lies
Servant of infinity
Truth is my master
Knowledge a mistress
I may not deny.
The season's coming 'round again
The Summer Star's rising high
When the Black Gate's closed
We'll be alone again
And the time for change is right.
The sea must sing her songs again
In a voice quicksilver bright
And those who understand her words
Will rule in endless light.
The immortals who lived at life's great cost
Must die with winter's cold
And the Summer folk must rule again
As in the time of old.
And winter's price will be paid by those
Who lived for lust and lies.
For the ancient knowledge cannot be lost
Lest the seeds of chaos rise.
Daughter of no woman
Child of no man
A Summer made, not born
I am a pawn in Destiny's hand
By a saddened universe torn.
They've asked me the question
I may not answer
My beginning I may not share.
But black Fate knows
And her ancient master
Demands I return there.
Across seven worlds
The black sands of time
Roll endless as the sea
Though torn from home by a twist of Fate
I must return to see.
Winter dead and Spring begun
And Summer's power received
Yes I must return to my home again
To set my people free.